So I printed out all the comments going back to the entry pool, cut them apart, and let my trusty sidekick Danger Boy pull three slips as winners. (This involved him putting down the tacos for two seconds, quite an accomplishment on a hungry day.) (Oh, to have that child's metabolism.)
Here are the winners, in no particular order--

Winner of the "We Talked About It On the Blog, So Now We're Giving It Away" prize--
Simon C. Larter!
Simon wins a download of Nathalie Gray's steampunk romance, "Full Steam Ahead," which we discussed on this blog a few weeks back. Simon, you lucky guy, this book isn't even on sale yet, so this is a true sneak peek! (The rest of you will have to wait until tomorrow to get your copies. It's on sale March 1 at Red Sage.)
Simon's winning comment was the one in which he recused himself from voting in a heat he'd entered. So once again, good sportsmanship leads to unexpected rewards!
Simon, please email Theresa at edittorrent at gmail dot com to make arrangements for your download. We hope you enjoy it.
Holly Rutchik!
Holly wins a fabulous prize pack containing A Writer's Book of Days by Judith Reeves and a hardback notepad!
This book is packed with creativity prompts and writing exercises in the same spirit as the exercises we've done here for the past two weeks. The accompanying notebook is the perfect size to fit inside a glove compartment, perfect for capturing those great ideas we get while driving.
Holly's winning comment came from the Yes/No exercise designed to show us what we're passionate about in our worldviews. Holly, please email Theresa your snail mail address at edittorrent at gmail dot com so we can get this prize to your door!
Spindriftdancer wins Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss, a book much beloved by both Alicia and Theresa for being the funniest book about commas, ever. Spindriftdancer also wins a glove compartment-sized hardback notebook, useful both for jotting notes about your wips and your kips. (Yes, we get your name. Theresa's a knitta, too, yo.)
Spindriftdancer's winning comment came from all the way back in Heat #2: Curling (Him or Her Around Your Little Finger) when she revealed the true romance of her character being separated from her soul. This comment not only made several of us want to read your book, but it also won you the prize!
Please send your snail mail address to Theresa's attention at edittorrent at gmail dot com so we can arrange for delivery of your prize!
Thanks to everyone who participated! This has been loads of fun!
Congrats, you lucky dogs...well, except for the book about commas. No! I'm...*insert me dodging T and A's projectile bookmarks here* :) kidding. I'm sure the book about commas is as riveting as a book about knitting - hey, it’s a joke! :D
Oh uh, I think I'm going to be poked. Wait, that ain't so bad, as long as it's not with a knitting needle. (hehehe)
Murphy, who says: Thanks Theresa and Alicia for doing this. It was a lot of fun and really, very inspiring. Maybe my next book will be: 'All Editors Go To Heaven'. *insert me thinking about that for a moment* then hear me clear my throat before saying, Okay, maybe not all of them - but at least you two. I mean, there’s fiction and then there's BELIEVABLE fiction. Am I right? Am I? :D
Congrats, y'all! Enjoy those prizes!
Congratulations, all of you!
Congratulations everyone! I have the Writer's Book of Days, it's fabulous!
Congrats to all the winners! And, if you've been playing along at home, you know you're ALL winners.
I particularly liked the flash fiction story that won . . . from the horse's POV. I hope that one finds a home somewhere!
Congrats all!
Congratulations! I have to admit, I have Eats, Shoots and Leaves on my shelf.
And I'm glad you outed the steampunk book, I have been wondering about it since Alica's post.
This was great fun !
This was so fun! And, I never win anything, so I am super excited! Thanks!
I'm sad its over....
A huge congrats to the winners - yeah!
Ah, Murphy, lol! I think you're totally right :) Better duck that knitting needle ;)
I have to thank Alicia and Theresa too. What a stellar effort, ladies. With a pinch of your discipline, I think I could conquer this writing stuff :)
Even though I was unable to participate from the beginning, I learned a lot and had fun. :)
Unexpectedly, my favorite one turned out to be the interview one (it was my least favorite when I initially read the rules. My fantasy character, a strong mage, ended up killing Merlin when he tried to take her powers. I learned she was colder and tougher than I realized. I'm applying the new knowledge to the editing process and rewriting the last battle to reflect that coldness.
Thanks for the time and effort you put into this:)
Dang. I missed this ten years ago. Would have loved that book! LOL. Now I wish I knew what that comment was...
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