If you have an editing question you'd like us to address, feel free to send it to rasley at gmail dot com. We like reader questions because they save us from having to think up post topics on our own. ;)
Romance University Now Features Theresa in a Monthly Column! Click the Picture for Details
Our Promise to Authors
Every day we work with writers to shape their manuscripts for publication. We also evaluate submissions, read our friends’ pages, give second opinions to other editors -- in short, we confront a whole lot of manuscript pages for a whole lot of reasons. But here’s what we don’t do. We don’t -- and we never will -- pull examples directly from any of these manuscripts. The editor-author relationship depends on mutual trust and respect, and we won’t ever compromise that. We might get ideas for blog posts in the course of our interaction with writers and manuscripts, but all examples are ours, with the occasional exception of literary sources.
Yay, Theresa! Congrats!
I knew you could do it!
Great job!
Congratulations! Way to go. =o)
Thank you, everyone. How fun is NaNo? I might just have to repurpose every November for totally shitty fast drafts just for the fun of it.
Yay! Congrats!!
Congrats! Excellent!
That's a super achievement! Well done :)
Wow! The things you miss when you're out of town for a month... What exciting news. Congratulations!
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