Wednesday, January 9, 2008

More on critique---

I just spent an hour typing a post about critiquing and editors and all that. It was provocative-- it was cutting-edge. It was wise and insightful. (Trust me on this.) So of course, as I was just finishing, the computer shut down.

I am too disspirited to do it again. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel better, and maybe next time I'll remember to SAVE posts occasionally.



Anonymous said...

Arrgghh! Just typed a witty answer, realized that the stupid verification word wasn't showing, and clicked refresh without copying the post first! SO typical...

After 30 years of programming computers and enduring things like this, I know all too well how you feel, Alicia.

Keri Ford said...

Alicia did it not auto-save it for you?? I've been shut down, locked up and everything computers are known to do, and when I re-open MS-WORD, I have the option of opening any documents that had been open. Word saves for me every 15 or 30 minutes. I might loose a paragraph or a page of editing or new material, but it's better than loosing a possible 10 or 20 pgs worth of work!

Anonymous said...

I suspect she wasn't composing it in Word.

Edittorrent said...

Yeah, I should have done it in Word. Why is it that the post that vanishes into the ether was ALWAYS brilliant? I mean, why do my emails about "Hey, Colts game this weekend! Hope they win!" never vanish?
