Friday, July 22, 2011

Today at RU

Did you get a request from a pitch at nationals? Good for you! Here's a checklist of ten things to do before you send in your requested full manuscript.



Edittorrent said...

Great suggestions. I've had too many submitters who blow off proofreading or think they've already taken care of that, and they're wrong. I would actually think about getting someone else to read it, even if you have to pay.

I love the "match the edges" term.

Julie Harrington said...

I'm obsessive about proofing my manuscripts before I submit. I'm sure I still miss things here and there, but it was really nice to have my editor tell me I submitted a really nice, polished manuscript.

The tips in that article are wonderful and I'll be printing it out for future reference for sure.


Annette said...

Ooh, this is great stuff. I hope someday soon I'll be in a position to be following these recs. Thank you!